使用谓词(如将联接与常量比较)可以进一步限制外联接。下例包含相同的右向外联接,但消除销售量低于 50 本的书籍的书名:
USE pubs SELECT s.stor_id, s.qty, t.title FROM sales s RIGHT OUTER JOIN titles t ON s.title_id = t.title_id AND s.qty > 50 ORDER BY s.stor_id ASC
stor_id qty title ——- —— ——————————————————— (null) (null) But Is It User Friendly? (null) (null) Computer Phobic AND Non-Phobic Individuals: Behavior Variations (null) (null) Cooking with Computers: Surreptitious Balance Sheets (null) (null) Emotional Security: A New Algorithm (null) (null) Fifty Years in Buckingham Palace Kitchens 7066 75 Is Anger the Enemy? (null) (null) Life Without Fear (null) (null) Net Etiquette (null) (null) Onions, Leeks, and Garlic: Cooking Secrets of the Mediterranean (null) (null) Prolonged Data Deprivation: Four Case Studies (null) (null) Secrets of Silicon Valley (null) (null) Silicon Valley Gastronomic Treats (null) (null) Straight Talk About Computers (null) (null) Sushi, Anyone? (null) (null) The Busy Executive’s Database Guide (null) (null) The Gourmet Microwave (null) (null) The Psychology of Computer Cooking (null) (null) You Can Combat Computer Stress!
(18 row(s) affected)
有关谓词的更多信息,请参见 WHERE。
使用完整外部联接 若 要通过在联接结果中包括不匹配的行保留不匹配信息,请使用完整外部联接。Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 提供完整外部联接运算符 FULL OUTER JOIN,不管另一个表是否有匹配的值,此运算符都包括两个表中的所有行。
假设在 city 列上联接 authors 表和 publishers 表。结果只显示在出版商所在城市居住的作者(本例中为 Abraham Bennet 和 Cheryl Carson)。SQL-92 FULL OUTER JOIN 运算符指明:不管表中是否有匹配的数据,结果将包括两个表中的所有行。
若要在结果中包括所有作者和出版商,而不管城市中是否有出版商或者出版商是否住在同一个城市,请使用完整外部联接。下面是 Transact-SQL 完整外部联接的查询和结果:
USE pubs SELECT a.au_fname, a.au_lname, p.pub_name FROM authors a FULL OUTER JOIN publishers p ON a.city = p.city ORDER BY p.pub_name ASC, a.au_lname ASC, a.au_fname ASC
au_fname au_lname pub_name ——————– —————————- ——————– Reginald Blotchet-Halls NULL Michel DeFrance NULL Innes del Castillo NULL Ann Dull NULL Marjorie Green NULL Morningstar Greene NULL Burt Gringlesby NULL Sheryl Hunter NULL Livia Karsen NULL Charlene Locksley NULL Stearns MacFeather NULL Heather McBadden NULL Michael O’Leary NULL Sylvia Panteley NULL Albert Ringer NULL Anne Ringer NULL Meander Smith NULL Dean Straight NULL Dirk Stringer NULL Johnson White NULL Akiko Yokomoto NULL Abraham Bennet Algodata Infosystems Cheryl Carson Algodata Infosystems NULL NULL Binnet & Hardley NULL NULL Five Lakes Publishing NULL NULL GGG&G NULL NULL Lucerne Publishing NULL NULL New Moon Books NULL NULL Ramona Publishers NULL NULL Scootney Books
(30 row(s) affected)
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