本教程详细介绍了如何通过PS以及LUCIS滤镜的结合来打造细腻清晰的照片,以调整原本照片曝光度的不足。 PS采用CS3以上版本,其中有步操作使用的是 w & b 功能;另外 lucis滤镜 有两个版本,一个是LUCIS ART 3.0 还有一个是 LUCIS PRO 6.0 带软件狗的,网上目前流传的版本好像只有5.03,此滤镜在效果处主要用来做雕刻效果、增强曝光度! Step 1 Open up your image in Photoshop. I'll start with a portrait image I shot. 打开一副人物肖像的相片,不要问我在哪里打开!用什么软件打开! First thing you need to do is to duplicate the layer (J). Then go to Filter > Lucis > LucisArt. Here you will need to select the Sculpture option and set it to something like 30. 首先需要先复制图层 CTRL+J , 然后使用滤镜-lucis-lucisart。选择 sculpture (雕刻的意思) 选项,设置参数30.(我感觉就是在做锐化。。) Create a Layer Mask for this layer and fill it with black. This will hide all the effect. Then, take the brush (set to white) and draw over the man and the products he was selling. Leave the trees untouched. 为该层建立一个图层蒙版并填充黑色,它将隐藏所有的效果。然后,将笔刷前景色设置成白色,把人和农作物画出来,不要碰到后面的树叶。 Next I will add a new adjustment layer. Select the curves from the drop-down menu. 下面我将添加一个调整图层,选择 曲线 并将中心点略微向下拉。(注意观察图像的深浅变化) Now using a black brush, simply draw over the eyes. But do this into the mask that was automatically created. In a portrait it is important that the eyes are not covered by the shadow. They need to be visible. 现在使用一个黑色笔刷,对曲线层蒙版进行修饰,对着眼睛周围的阴影进行修饰,注意不要让笔刷盖到眼睛上。 Next press Command + A to make a selection, go to Edit > Copy Merged, and again go to Edit > Paste. Then go to Filter > Lucis > LucisArt and this time select Exposure and set it to 60. Then set the Opacity to 50%. 下面按 CTRL+A 全选(苹果上 就是 commnd+a),然后点 编辑-合并拷贝 然后 编辑-粘贴 (英文版对照原文操作)。然后 滤镜-LUCIS-LUCISART,这次选择 exposure(定时曝光)设置参数 为 60.然后设置不透明度为 50%。 Press Command + A to make a selection over the entire image. Then again go to Edit > Copy Merged and Edit > Paste. 按 CTRL+A 全选,再次 合并拷贝 & 粘贴。 Now that you have all the layers copied go to Image > Adjustments > Black And White and play with the settings there. 现在你有了一个合并了所有图层的COPY,执行 图像-调整-BLACK AND WHITE 进行相应调整设置。(这里就是通过各通道来混调图片的灰度效果,降低了红色、蓝色,略微提升了绿色,大幅度提升了CMY三通道的亮度让亮度差更明显,这就是HDR的精髓提高整幅图片的光感。) Set the layer to Multiply and the Opacity to 40%. 设置图层样式为正片叠底,改变透明度至40%.(这个参数不妨记下来,对以后调整此类照片有用。) Now make a Layer Mask for this layer and erase some of this effect from the eyes using the Brush Tool (B), just as we did in Step 5. 现在为该层做一个图层蒙版,方法参见第五步。 Next you need to press Command + A to make a selection. Then go to Edit > Copy Merged and Edit > Paste. Then go to Filter > Lucis > LucisArt and this time use Sculpture set to 20. 然后CTRL+A全选,再编辑-合并拷贝-粘贴,然后执行滤镜-LUCIS-LUCISART 这次使用 雕刻 参数20. Mask the layer and fill it with black. Now using a white brush, you'll need to make visible only a few parts of the image. You'll also need to decrease the opacity of the brush to create the effect gradually. I will try not to draw with the brush over the old man's skin. 继续蒙版该层并添加黑色,使用白色笔刷,降低笔刷不透明度,尽量不要刷在老头的皮肤上。 Next I want to make the image more detailed. Select the Levels setting from the Create New Fill Or Adjustment Layer and set the right slider to left at 192. 下面我想让图片变的更细腻,选择色阶调整将滑块设定在192.(这一步就是为了提亮图片) Fill the mask that was created automatically with black. Then with a small white brush set to a lower Opacity, draw over the beard, clothes, and some parts of the wood to lighten them up. 对色阶调整层的蒙版填充黑色,然后用(更低透明度的)白色小笔刷,画在胡子、衣服、和木头的一些部分,使之提亮。 第一部分的结论 For this particular image you can maybe use some filters that help you smooth the skin, but I personally like it as it is. The final image is below and you can view the larger image here. 你也许可以使用其它一些使皮肤变光滑的滤镜帮助。但我还是喜欢它。 |