使用asp.net操作office文件的方法总结,下面是内容及引用文件 1. 引用文件,点击此处下载。 2. 操作word代码示例: using ImportExportToOffice;
using Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.Data; protected void btnJianJie_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sYear = DropDownList2.SelectedValue; string sMonth = DropDownList1.SelectedValue; string sDate1 = String.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}", sYear, sMonth, "1"); string sDate2 = String.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}", sYear, sMonth, System.DateTime.DaysInMonth(int.Parse(sYear), int.Parse(sMonth)).ToString()); word = new ImportExportToWord(); string sTmpUrl = "../Report/" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ".Doc"; string sTmpFile = Server.MapPath(sTmpUrl); string sModelDoc = Server.MapPath("../Report/国际漫游简报模板.doc"); System.IO.File.Copy(sModelDoc, sTmpFile, true); try { word.Open(sTmpFile); object sBookMark = ""; //GSM 来访前十 分公司 sBookMark = "GSM_1"; if (word.Document.Bookmarks.Exists(sBookMark.ToString())) { word.Document.Bookmarks.get_Item(ref sBookMark).Select(); string sSql = "SELECT TOP 10 t1.ToCarrier, COUNT(t1.ToCarrier) AS Num, t2.ShortName AS Name" + " FROM BiteGSM t1 INNER JOIN" + " BranchInfo t2 ON t1.ToCarrier = t2.ID" + " INNER JOIN DispatchInfo t3 ON t1.DispatchID = t3.ID" + " Where t3.SendTime >='" + sDate1 + "'" + " And t3.SendTime <='" + sDate2 + "'" + " And t1.SimType=1" + " GROUP BY t1.ToCarrier, t2.ShortName" + " ORDER BY COUNT(t1.ToCarrier) DESC"; SqlDataReader dr = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(Connection.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sSql); while (dr.Read()) { word.Application.Selection.TypeText(dr["Name"].ToString()); word.GoToRightCell(); word.Application.Selection.TypeText(dr["Num"].ToString()); word.GoToLeftCell(); word.GoToDownCell(); } dr.Close(); } //CDMA 来访前十 分公司 sBookMark = "CDMA_1"; if (word.Document.Bookmarks.Exists(sBookMark.ToString())) { word.Document.Bookmarks.get_Item(ref sBookMark).Select(); string sSql = "SELECT TOP 10 t1.ToCarrier, COUNT(t1.ToCarrier) AS Num, t2.ShortName AS Name" + " FROM BiteGSM t1 INNER JOIN" + " BranchInfo t2 ON t1.ToCarrier = t2.ID" + " INNER JOIN DispatchInfo t3 ON t1.DispatchID = t3.ID" + " Where t3.SendTime >='" + sDate1 + "'" + " And t3.SendTime <='" + sDate2 + "'" + " And t1.SimType=2" + " GROUP BY t1.ToCarrier, t2.ShortName" + " ORDER BY COUNT(t1.ToCarrier) DESC"; SqlDataReader dr = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(Connection.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sSql); while (dr.Read()) { word.Application.Selection.TypeText(dr["Name"].ToString()); word.GoToRightCell(); word.Application.Selection.TypeText(dr["Num"].ToString()); word.GoToLeftCell(); word.GoToDownCell(); } dr.Close(); } //GSM 去访前十 分公司 sBookMark = "GSM1"; if (word.Document.Bookmarks.Exists(sBookMark.ToString())) { word.Document.Bookmarks.get_Item(ref sBookMark).Select(); string sSql = "SELECT TOP 10 t1.ToCarrier, COUNT(t1.ToCarrier) AS Num, t2.CarrierName AS Name" + " FROM Unicom2TSTT t1 INNER JOIN" + " CarrierInfo t2 ON t1.ToCarrier = t2.ID" + " INNER JOIN DispatchInfo t3 ON t1.DispatchID = t3.ID" + " Where t3.SendTime >='" + sDate1 + "'" + " And t3.SendTime <='" + sDate2 + "'" + " And t1.SimType=1" + " GROUP BY t1.ToCarrier, t2.CarrierName" + " ORDER BY COUNT(t1.ToCarrier) DESC"; SqlDataReader dr = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(Connection.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sSql); while (dr.Read()) { word.Application.Selection.TypeText(dr["Name"].ToString()); word.GoToRightCell(); word.Application.Selection.TypeText(dr["Num"].ToString()); word.GoToLeftCell(); word.GoToDownCell(); } dr.Close(); } //CDMA 去访前十 分公司 sBookMark = "CDMA1"; if (word.Document.Bookmarks.Exists(sBookMark.ToString())) { word.Document.Bookmarks.get_Item(ref sBookMark).Select(); string sSql = "SELECT TOP 10 t1.ToCarrier, COUNT(t1.ToCarrier) AS Num, t2.CarrierName AS Name" + " FROM Unicom2TSTT t1 INNER JOIN" + " CarrierInfo t2 ON t1.ToCarrier = t2.ID" + " INNER JOIN DispatchInfo t3 ON t1.DispatchID = t3.ID" + " Where t3.SendTime >='" + sDate1 + "'" + " And t3.SendTime <='" + sDate2 + "'" + " And t1.SimType=2" + " GROUP BY t1.ToCarrier, t2.CarrierName" + " ORDER BY COUNT(t1.ToCarrier) DESC"; SqlDataReader dr = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(Connection.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sSql); while (dr.Read()) { word.Application.Selection.TypeText(dr["Name"].ToString()); word.GoToRightCell(); word.Application.Selection.TypeText(dr["Num"].ToString()); word.GoToLeftCell(); word.GoToDownCell(); } dr.Close(); } word.SaveAs(sTmpFile); word.Quit(); SysUtil.Log(UserContext.GetUserContext(), FunctionContext.GetFunctionContext(),OperType.其它, LogLevel.信息, "生成国际漫游简报成功"); Response.Write("<script>window.open(\"" + sTmpUrl + "\")</script>"); } catch (Exception err) { try { word.Quit(); } catch { } SysUtil.Log(UserContext.GetUserContext(), FunctionContext.GetFunctionContext(),OperType.其它, LogLevel.信息, "生成国际漫游简报失败,错误信息:" + err.Message); } } 3.部署相关: 确保服务器正确安装office 2k3 运行后若office进程起不来,如下检查: 1.运行Dcomcnfg.exe 2.组件服务――计算机――我的电脑――DCOM配置――找到microsoft word 文档 3.点击属性 4.选择“安全性” 5.选定“使用自定义访问权限”和“使用自定义启动权限” 6.分别编辑权限,添加Everyone(ASPNET,VS Developers,Debugger User) 7.选择“身份标识”,在选定“交互式用户” 即可 8.在Web.config里加 <identity impersonate="true"/> (责任编辑:admin) |